Dear Tijn, I'm on the home stretch of finishing an anti-Trump issue of my newspaper and I want to put this article in. I hope you don't mind. If you do, please let me know via email at I'm rushing to get it finished and emailed to my subscribers tomorrow (Thursday). The front page has notice of a protest at the inauguration and I want to be sure my American readers see it in time to make plans if they'd like to go. Usually I try to include some positive articles and yours wins the prize! Thanks.
Hat's off to the efforts. As a poly- and permaculturalist hailing from the African Diaspora, I am very interested in what I myself call permadiversity. Most of these activities seem to be, as far as the people involved, monocultural. We need to have all hands on deck if the shift we need to make is to be successful. My second and relevant expertise is in teaching anti-prejudice and anti-racism courses for over 30 years. That means, I see a real need in getting "out-cultures" more involved. The fact is, people that look like me need to see more people that look like me to join in. And people that don't look me need to realize what it can mean to build third culture... I have been at this for a while. I have some ideas and would welcome suggestions and any leads going in this direction. Thx.
Dear Tijn, I'm on the home stretch of finishing an anti-Trump issue of my newspaper and I want to put this article in. I hope you don't mind. If you do, please let me know via email at I'm rushing to get it finished and emailed to my subscribers tomorrow (Thursday). The front page has notice of a protest at the inauguration and I want to be sure my American readers see it in time to make plans if they'd like to go. Usually I try to include some positive articles and yours wins the prize! Thanks.
Hat's off to the efforts. As a poly- and permaculturalist hailing from the African Diaspora, I am very interested in what I myself call permadiversity. Most of these activities seem to be, as far as the people involved, monocultural. We need to have all hands on deck if the shift we need to make is to be successful. My second and relevant expertise is in teaching anti-prejudice and anti-racism courses for over 30 years. That means, I see a real need in getting "out-cultures" more involved. The fact is, people that look like me need to see more people that look like me to join in. And people that don't look me need to realize what it can mean to build third culture... I have been at this for a while. I have some ideas and would welcome suggestions and any leads going in this direction. Thx.
This sounds super interesting. I hope to attend. Well done foe bringing it together.
I love this idea and will be registering. Unfortunately I won’t be able to cross the Atlantic to visit any of the regions.
Will there be a North American group showing up for this? I would love to work with people in my area (Ottawa).